Links & Suggested Sites links & suggested sites Wolfhound Links Wolfhound Alumni, Vietnam Tales of the Wolfhounds Tribute to Maj. Frank Farmer Peace Bridge William I. Smith's Page, Co A 1/27 Marion L. Ellard's Page, Co. B 1/27 John Quintrell's Page, Co. C 2/27 Delta Hounds Active Duty Facebook Pages 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 25th ID 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 25th ID 25th Division Links 25th Infantry Division Hawaii 25th Infantry Division Association 187th Assault Helicopter Co. 25th Aviation Battalion 22th Infantry Regiment 3/4 Cav. 5th Mech. Infantry Regiment Cacti 35th Inf. 69th Armor B Troop 3/17th Air Cav 4/23 Tomahawks 1/5 Mech. (Bobcats 1966) Other Veteran Sites GIsearch - America's Most Comprehensive Military Search Vietnam Veterans of America on the Internet Veterans Organizations and Support Groups Welcome to the U.S. Army Homepage The Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) View the Wall AlVarelas - USMC PBR Forces Brown Water Navy Mesothelioma Prognosis Network The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page The Virtual Wall Military Medals & Awards ArcticGunny Disabled American Veterans Department of Veterans Affairs The Virtual Wall — Wolfhounds Military-Friendly Online Colleges Suggested Sites for Writers Military Writers Society of America