World War II
Korea Tour 2015
In 2015, Henry and Rosemary Montijo, along with other Korean War veterans and their families, participated in a tour to re-visit Korea. Presented below are some of their thoughts regarding the trip, and their photos and videos from the tour.
Although we had made a 4-day stopover in Korea in 1984 this trip I found to be more significant. Among the reasons was that I really began to understand the sense of brotherhood among the veterans, listening to them tell of their shared experiences. Hearing from James Wiedhahn (Jamie) the history of the places we visited. Most importantly, I have seen a good deal of healing in Henry in regard to his PTSD.
It was also wonderful to experience the welcome by the lovely Korean people everywhere we went. To see how the Korean country has prospered one knows this was a country worthy of defending.
– Rosemary Montijo
On July 10 1950 I was transferred from Japan to Korea and was in combat until 1951. All I saw was complete devastation in what seemed countless villages with Seoul in complete shambles.
I heard about the Korea re-visit and knew it was an opportunity to see Korea again and hopefully reunite with other Korean veterans. My wife and I made the 2015 trip and had a wonderful experience. The reception we received from both Korean government officials and ordinary people in the street was awesome. I did not expect such an all out welcome. The hotels, food, and tours led by knowledgeable tour leader, Jamie Wiedhahn were all superb. It was such an honor to be presented with the Ambassador for Peace Medal by the Korean Government. I encourage all eligible veterans and their families to participate in this program.
– Henry Montijo

Special Wolfhounds
In this section we have photo collections and memories of special wolfhounds through the years.